
Young Adults/Children
My First Stories of Saint Kabir
His Life and Lessons
How did Kabir make Ram Das meet God? How did Kabir correct his guru’s mistake? Why did Kabir cry on seeing a woman grinding wheat? Why did Sikandar Lodi want to kill Kabir?
My First Stories of Saint Kabir answers these intriguing questions and more, while narrating some interesting incidents from Saint Kabir’s life. Written in simple language and accompanied by colourful illustrations, the twelve stories show how Kabir’s philosophy was simple and practical for all. The stories showcase Kabir’s life and times. Each story ends with one of his popular couplets encapsulating the lesson hidden within that story. The couplets are translated for easy understanding and a glossary in the end helps to build vocabulary. This book is a treasure—a must-read for every child in contemporary India.
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The Origin of Gods and Goddesses
The Puranas are the simplification of the Vedas and Upanishads, the main Hindu scriptures. Their entire knowledge has been transformed into stories for the ease of understanding. Sunita Pant Bansal introduces the 18 Puranas, giving the stories of their birth, the theme each one is based on, and some interesting stories from within the Puranas, like: Did you know that there were actually 22 incarnations of Vishnu? Or that all the jewels in the world were created from a demon’s body? Read on to discover more such fascinating stories written in a simple lively style complemented by equally evocative illustrations.
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The Rise and Fall of Heroes
The Mahabharat is an epic story of the great people of a great country called Bharat, the Indian sub-continent. Sunita Pant Bansal retells the epic in an lively style, highlighting and weaving the otherwise hidden stories into the main narrative without disturbing its flow. The result is an engrossing journey for readers of all ages. Did you know that Vyas, the author of the Mahabharat, is also one of the important characters of the story? Or that Hanuman of Ramayan and Bheem of Mahabharat are brothers? This book unveils many such interesting facts. In the end, Sunita also explains the symbolism of the Mahabharat in our daily lives.
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The Journey of Ram
The Ramayan is one of the oldest epics in the world. This book retells the Ramayan in an easy-to-read style, engrossing the readers of all ages. It is a first-of-its kind book, where Sunita Pant Bansal delves through the layers of the epics and brings out the various stories behind the main story. Did you know that the first narrator of the Ramayan was Lord Shiv? Or that the Ramayan is a part of the Mahabharat too? Well, pick up the book and discover the answers to these and many more such interesting facts. Read on to understand the relevance of the Ramayan in our lives today.
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Tales of Worldly Wisdom
Hitopadesh is an ancient Indian collection of fables involving human and animal characters. The stories incorporate maxims and worldly advice to help distinguish between right and wrong. Sunita Pant Bansal simplifies the stories preserving their elegance, which is further enhanced by folk-style sketches punctuating the text. Popular for centuries, Hitopadesh remains an ideal companion at home and in libraries.
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Tales of Practical Wisdom
Panchatantra is possibly the oldest collection of tales imparting practical wisdom in the world. It is a series of inter-woven fables arranged within a main frame story, the five frame stories constituting the five or pancha sections or tantras of the Panchatantra. Sunita Pant Bansal brings you her rendition of this ancient Indian classic, complemented with folk art. Told through humanised animals, this treasure of insight about human personality and behaviour is a must-have in every library, at home or otherwise.
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Maratha Warrior King
Chhatrapati Shivaji
Among the mighty kings that adorn the annals of Indian history, Shivaji's name stands out as the one responsible for the momentous national revival that laid the foundation of Maratha Swarajya. His admirers hail him as the maker of Maharashtra, the liberator of the Hindus, the destroyer of Muslim sovereignty in India, the prophet of patriotism, and the apostle of Hindu culture. His military achievements have undoubtedly placed him in the galaxy of the world-famous conquerors like Alexander, Caesar, Hannibal and Napoleon. Considered as the pole-star of Indian Swarajya, it was natural that myths and legends developed on the life and times of Shivaji, so much so, that at times it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. However, the aim of this book has been to construct the story of Shivaji from original materials obtained through scrupulous research of the Indian records.

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